Mission de formation en Ouganda

Posté le Mardi 27 Juin 2017 à 16:37 par JacquesPerrin (2122 lectures)

Organisme Belge recherche pour un projet d'élaboration de politiques et l'écriture de propositions : des formateurs sur les thèmes suivants :

1) Leadership and Management
2) Organisational Governance
3) Change Management

Within the Belgian-Ugandan bilateral cooperation, the Support to the Development of
Human Resources Project (SDHR) is supporting staff development in selected Beneficiary
Organisations in three sectors (Health
, Education and Environment). This staff
development should contribute to organizational improvement and as such also to service

The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and the Belgian
Development Agency (BTC) are jointly responsible fo
r the implementation. The line
ministries of the sectors are actively involved in the activities

Pour plus ample information et termes de référence, contacter (en se référant à Jean-Raymond MASSON) :

Serge Coussement 


Managing Director of Education Management Europe
Former World Bank Official, consultant for the World Bank, EC, AfDB, ADB, ILO, FAO, IADB, UNESCO 